Sunday, 2 September 2007

Last (whole) day of the con

In the morning the sun was shining, and it was over 25 already at 11. Now it's cloudy.
I managed to catch the trains perfectly, and it took me less than an hour to get to Yokohama from Koenji. Last night we took a train straight to Tokyo from Sakuraguchi station in Yokohama. Easy but slow, as the train was a local train stopping at each and every station between Yokohama station and Tokyo station. The same for local train to Koenji.

I just escaped "Discworld 101", which wasn't very interesting for me. I wasn't surprised that Japanese translators find Pratchett hard to translate...
Soon I'll go and see how long queue is at the Brin book signing, after that a lunch. And after that the rest of the day in panels and shows.

Ari planned to go and see Mt. Fuji from a nearby smaller mountain. Well, the sun isn't shining anymore here in Yokohama, but it might at Fuji. And tomorrow it should be sunny - good for sightseeing Yokohama.

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